Tomorrow we depart on the Oasis from Ft. Lauderdale. We flew in today and are staying at the Fairfield where you can catch a shuttle to the port for $8pp. In driving around today we passed a sign for "fishing hall of fame." Who knew? On the flight I saw in the USAir magazine, some cool Christmas present ideas. There was a folding cutting board from MOMA which folds when you squeeze the handle to narrow the end for sliding effectively your food where it needs to go. There was also an item called "scotch rocks" which are ice cube looking rocks made of non-porous soapstone. You freeze these.
When we board tomorrow, the other websites recommended you go immediately to get your roast beef sandwich as they are the most popular and you'll not get near the place later. I hope nobody else has read this!
As I get better at this, I'll include photos. More cruise info tomorrow.
Cheers, Christine